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For timing motion in one dimension on a piece of paper in the form of dots spaced at equal interval of time. An electromagnet enclosed in a box operates on 6-12V AC through a pair of 4mm sockets. The screw shaped hammer on the armature mounted at the top of enclosure moves up/down with the changing polarity of electromagnet and leaves well defined dot on paper strip moving beneath Carbon paper disc. Guides on top of enclosure assure smooth and straight movement of paper strip. Amplitude of vibration of hammer can be varied to get sharp dot and relative position of Carbon discs with respect to paper tape adjustable for their optimum use. Includes a stand for mounting paper tape roll. Complete assembly mounted on a stable, non-skid base. Supplied complete with paper tape and Carbon paper discs. In construction and operation, but operates on 12V DC Produces dots at 1/50 seconds intervals only. It has an electromagnet with spring-loaded armature, which vibrates above a support table.